Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Life: as Psalm 125

My mom showed me Psalm 125 last night in anticipation of a homeschool kickoff get-together.

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken, but stands forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.

For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong.

Do good, O LORD, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts!

But those who turn aside to their crooked ways the LORD will lead away with evildoers! Peace be upon Israel!
I had been worrying about it all day, and had been anxious about it. Last year I was NOT a Christian, I did some really bad things, and said a whole lot of things that I regret. I was boy crazy and rebellious, and was plainly running away from God. Which is pretty silly, considering I was a total hypocrite, and goody-goody church girl. Anyway, towards the end of last year (school year, like in April) I reached rock bottom, and completely surrendered my life to Jesus. He has taught me so much this summer, and grown me beyond what I thought was possible in just a couple of months. I am so head over heals for Jesus right now. But what I got out of this passage was that people were still going to think bad things about me, because the last "me" they knew, was an awful "me". And they hadn't met the new "me" yet. I have earned most of the reputation that I have, and honestly deserve it. But God has made a new me, he has turned my life upside down, and created a most wonderful creation out of dirt. And that is who I put my trust in. In the one who will NEVER fail me, in the one who will ALWAYS show me love. So before the get-together today that's what I kept telling myself. Instead of "everyone's going to hate me, because I was such a loser last year, and compleatly stupid, etc." I told myself what was true. "I was really stupid last year, but now I am made new. People can say a lot of stuff, and they can think lots of false things about me. But that's why my trust is in the Lord, not people. Because if everything I did was done to please people, I wouldn't be a creation of God, I would be a chameleon." So I went to the kickoff, and It was exactly like I expected it to be. There were lots of people to ignore me, and lots of people to give me dirty looks. But God was right there with me, constantly reminding me that I am HIS and not theirs. And that he knows who I really am regardless if they have seen it or not. He was right there with me when a few people stopped to talk to me, and ask me how my summer was. And right there with me when we left. He has been faithful to do what he said he would. 1. He never left my side. 2. He closed the doors that he wanted closed. 3.  And opened the ones that he wanted to open in my life. I will NOT be shaken, Praise God! He is so faithful!

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